CBN Science Fair!
Posted on Jan. 27, 2025Come and see students' Science Fair projects on Thursday, January 30th! Campbelltown students have been working hard on creating tri-fold presentations of their work, in French, for most of January.…
Come and see students' Science Fair projects on Thursday, January 30th! Campbelltown students have been working hard on creating tri-fold presentations of their work, in French, for most of January.…
Join us for the Scholastic Book Fair from February 3rd to 5th! After our fall book fair focused mainly on French books, this time we’re excited to offer a larger selection of English books, while still…
Here is the Strathcona County Family Resource Network winter program schedule, along with information about the various programs they run for families in Strathcona County. You can find more information…
We are thrilled to invite you to our Kindergarten Open House for all incoming students for the 2025-2026 school year! This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know our school, meet our dedicated…
Upcoming programs available for families living in Strathcona County. No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: For Parents and CaregiversTuesday, November 19, 2024, 5 – 6:30 pm Sign UpMost parents may feel…
Join us for our family Halloween Dance on Friday November 1st from 6:30 to 8:30pm! A reminder that parental attendance is required for this dance. For more information, please see our flyer!
This week we are celebrating our love of reading with a jam-packed schedule of fun reading activities. Here’s what we’ve been up to this week! Monday:We kicked off the week with classroom visits…
Join us for our French Scholastic Book Fair on October 16 and 17, coinciding with parent-teacher interviews! Discover a world of captivating stories, educational resources, and fun activities for students…
This year, École Campbelltown families will get to participate in our Hot Lunch program twice each month starting October. You can purchase Hot Lunches for your child at Hot Lunches CampbelltownPlease…
We look forward to seeing Campbelltown students and families on the evening of Tuesday September 10th for our Meet the Teacher Bar-B-Q from 5pm to 7pm. For more details, please see our flyer! Additionally,…
Hello Campbelltown families! The Family Resource Network offers a large variety of free programs for Strathcona County families. Everything from "Baby and Me" programs to "Confident Kids" to "Straight…
Dear Campbelltown families, We are so excited to welcome your children to school on Thursday! Here's what you can expect on and before the first day: - All families can expect a welcome phone call, phone…
Find everything you need for back-to-school planning! Supply lists School calendars Registration details Planning for kindergarten Busing information And more! For details, visit École Campbelltown's…
Just like students, school staff often find the end of the June bittersweet. As much as a break in routine is welcome, it is impossible not to miss the little ones we have spent the majority of our days…
Before we wrap up the school year and leave for the Summer, we want to give you a glace at what you can expect when you return in the Fall! Here are the big events for the first couple months of the…
Please find below the list of school supplies for each grade for the 2024-2025 school year. Kindergarten School Supplies Grade 1 School Supplies Grade 2 School Supplies Grade 3 School Supplies Grade 4…
Parents, did you know you can access a treasure trove of French audiobooks for your kids through the Strathcona County Library? Library membership is free and most books can be downloaded easily from…
Northern Michif with Elder Mary SkyBlue Morin Online Language Classes begin Thursday April 4th-June 13th. The classes will start at 6pm-7:30pm. Knowledge Holder Sky Blue Morin offers Elk Island students…
École Campbelltown's School council is busy getting ready for the upcoming Spring family dance - READY, SET, GLOW! Bring your whole family on Aril 26th from 6:30 to 8:30pm to join in the fun. For more…
Looking to introduce your kids to easy French novels? Explore these captivating book series tailored for young readers: 1. *Mon Big, Mini Big, and Micro Big**: A delightful series perfect for emerging…
Strathcona County's Family Resource Network is facilitating a variety of programs for Spring 2024. Please see the pamphlet for more information.
Did you know Friday March 8 is International Women’s Day? In honour of this day our library is thrilled to introduce a dynamic and ever-evolving selection of books that spotlight the remarkable accomplishments…
Hello Campbelltown families! We've wrapped up an exciting week of events here at École Campbelltown. Students had fun building ice sculptures, learning traditional French Canadian dances, eating crêpes…
Please join Campbelltown staff and students on Tuesday February 28 in celebrating Pink Shirt Day by wearing a pink shirt to school! Recognized worldwide since it began in 2007, Pink Shirt Day is an opportunity…
We are excited to host another Scholastic Book Fair this week during our Parent-Teacher Interviews! If you are looking to purchase books in either French or English, as well as other goodies, you will…
February is Black History Month! Books celebrating Black history have been on display in the library and the hallways, and teachers will be exploring some of the past and present experiences of people…
Kindergarten Registration Opens on February 1st! Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2024? If so, it’s time to register for kindergarten. Starting school is an exciting time, for both children…
For families hoping to find out more about the French Immersion program offered in Elk Island Public Schools, there is an information night taking place on Wednesday January 17th at the Trinity Baptist…
Here is the Winter Program Schedule from the Strathcona County Family Resource which highlights FREE programs and services available for Strathcona County families. For additional information, feel…
Here is the information that was sent to parents regarding Campbelltown's Christmas concert that will take place on Wednesday December 13th at Park Church at 1 Brower Drive. Doors will open at 6pm…
The Candy Cane fundraiser will continue on Monday December 11, 2023! One candy cane will sell for $2.00, and participants will also be entered into a draw to win priveledged seating at Wednesday's Christmas…
During the week of November 13-17, École Campbelltown will be celebrating Kindness Week! We will kick off the week with Odd Sock Day on Monday November 13 as a symbolic gesture to celebrate our differences. …
Campbelltown will once again be participating in a Holiday Book Drive organized by our School Council! See flyer for more details.
Here are a few pictures from our Halloween Dance on Friday October 27, 2023.
Everyday Heroes: For Children in Grades 1 and 2 Tuesday November 7 from 9:30 - 11:30AM Everyday Heroes: For Children in Grades 3 and 4 Wednesday November 8 from 9:30 - 11:30AM Everyday Heroes: For Children…
Come join us on Friday October 27th from 6:30-8:30pm for our Halloween Family Dance which has been organized by our Parent Council!! Please note that parent attendance is required for students participating…
Good Evening, I would like to welcome everyone back to a new and exciting school year! For new families… Welcome to École Campbelltown! We look forward to meeting you for the first time. I hope…
Find everything you need for back-to-school planning! Supply lists School calendars Registration details Planning for kindergarten Busing information And more!
The Strathcona County Family Resource Network will be offering a variety of FREE parented and unparented summer programs this summer for families. Programs will center around a variety of focus such…
Here are a few interesting opportunities for families of children starting as young as kindergarten. Programs in Strathcona County: Programs for Children and Youth: Here, you will find information about…
Bonjour école Campbelltown families! Below you will find the school supply lists for each grade for the 2023-2024 school year. New to this year, you can also order you school supplies from School Start…
Here is a glimpse at some of the events that have been taking place at Campbelltown these past few months!
We invite the whole family to join us for our April Family Dance on Friday April 28, 2023! This dance's theme will be "(Waiting for) Summer Luau!" Thank you to the Ecole Campbelltown School Council for…
Carnaval week at École Campbelltown was a blast! You can check out some photos from our week below!
Please join Campbelltown staff and students on Wednesday February 22 in celebrating Pink Shirt Day by wearing a pink shirt to school! Recognized worldwide since it began in 2007, Pink Shirt Day is an…
Bonjour Campbelltown families!! We will be running and in-person book fair as well as an online one for the week of Monday February 6, 2023. Here is the link to the virtual Book Fair for families who…
This year École Campbelltown is participating in the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada’s Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event. Our kick off assembly took place on Wednesday February 1, 2023. Over…
February is Black History Month!Over the course of the next month, teachers will be exploring some of the past and present experiences of people of African descent in Alberta, Canada and beyond. If…
Here are a few pictures from our amazing field trip to Sun Ridge on Thursday January 19, 2023.
Kindergarten Registration Opens February 1st! Is your child turning five on or before Dec. 31, 2023? If so, it’s now time to register for kindergarten. To register, simply complete the online registration…
The École Campbelltown School Counsil is are excited to announce a family movie night on Friday, January 27th. The film will be Monsters Inc, and presented in French. This event will be free to attend…
Are you interested in registering your kindergarten or Grade 1 child in French Immersion in 2023-24? Join EIPS for a virtual French Immersion Information Session to learn more about kindergarten and Grade…
In an effort to have a little fun and help us celebrate the New Year, we will have a “Fun Friday Theme Day” for each Friday during the month of January and the first Friday in February. Our “Fun…
École Campbelltown's Volleyball team recently participated in the Elk Island Public Schools Elementary Volleyball Challenge. Here are a few picture from this fun tournament!
Our Holiday Book Sale will take place from December 5 to 9th. Please see the flyer for more information.
Triple P-Teen Rudeness and Disrespect Session As teenagers transition from childhood to adulthood, parents and teenagers may not see eye to eye. Sometimes this behaviour is labeled as “rudeness” or…
During the week of November 14 to 18, students at École Campbelltown celebrated Métis Week. Here are a few pictures from the week!
The week of November 14 to 18 was kindness week at École Campbelltown and Elk Island Public Schools. Students participated in a variety of activities that emphasized the importance of our words and actions.…
School Council is hosting a used book sale for Campbelltown students in December. Donations are being accepted from November 14th to November 18th. For more information regarding the book drive, please…
Thank you to all the families who joined us for our Halloween Dance on Friday October 28!
Each year, Campbelltown's parent council hosts a fundraising event called the Read-A-Thon. While encouraging students to read regularly at home, parents raise funds that are later spent on special activities…
Hot Lunches can be purchased on the first Wednesday of each month. To order a hot lunch for your child, please visit Campbelltown's Hot Lunch Website. If you are having difficulty ordering a Hot Lunch…
Strathcona County's Family Resource Network offers a variety of resources to support families with parenting. Check out their latest info-sheet to get a glimpse at what they offer.
AHS Parent Information Series AHS provides information for parents and guardians on a variety of topics. For up to date information regarding parenting, addictions and mental health, please check out…
Join us for Campbelltown's Halloween Dance on Friday October 28, 2022! This is a whole family event! Please see poster for more details!
Our wonderful parent council has put together a document to answer qusetions Campbelltown families often have regarding our school. In addition to this, you can find a description of the roles of our…
Join us for our "Meet the Teacher BBQ" on Tuesday September 13th from 5pm to 7pm in the courtyard at the back of the school. We look forward to seeing you and to enjoying some free food with the Campbelltown…
Find everything you need for back-to-school planning! Supply lists School calendars Registration details Planning for kindergarten Busing information And more!
Visit the Parent's tab to access School Supply lists from Staples. Online orders can be placed starting on July 15.
For the safety of our students, staff, and volunteers we ask that all visitors sign in to our school office.
Here you can find more about our Guide to Reporting Student Achievement.
Click here and select Absence Reporting from the drop down menu.